

The Body is Telling Us

Something All The Time

How a child looks, and the symptoms they have can all give valuable clues as to what the body is asking for. But testing can make the message that much stronger and really refine the very best direction to go in, making care plans so much more specific.

With over 15+ years of clinical practice, I’ve refined the tests I find to be the most valuable to most people.
Sometimes they are even game changers as to what we should do.

Healthy Brains

And Healthy Guts

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

An ideal test for children and especially for those who you don’t want to put through a blood test. The HTMA measures the amount of useable minerals in the body, to inform us on what needs balancing. When minerals are too high or too low, there are always side effects. The test is also able to indicate if Pyrrole Dysfunction is impacting on your child’s moods and sleep. Pyrrole Dysfunction leads to  unusual insufficiency of zinc and vitamin B6 and the effect is seen as irritability, nervousness or anxiety, and explosive anger. The HTMA is also a valuable way to detect an excess load of toxic metals. This test will need an appointment to review results and devise a treatment plan, which is an additional cost unless on a Program.

Cost: $210 (test only)

Stool Testing

Don’t be fooled into thinking poo tests can only help with gut problems. The gut is the Second Brain and has a powerful effect on how we think and feel.

There are 2 types of stool testing I regularly like to use. One is a little more specific for children with ASD, however both types measure the levels of normal and beneficial bacteria that are known to affect various aspect of health, such as constipation, diarrhoea, food intolerances, sleep, skin health, mood, concentration, and energy. This test will need an appointment to review results and devise a treatment plan, which is an additional cost. 

Cost: $380- $427

Biocompatibility Testing For Foods

A unique and highly specific way to determine which foods suit you, and which ones are aggravating and causing health concerns.
Excellent for children because no blood test is needed and helpful in determining if there are foods that are triggering difficult behaviours. This test will need an appointment to review results and devise a treatment plan, which is an additional cost.  READ MORE ABOUT THIS TEST

Cost: $273 (Mums & bubs bundle $286)

Gene Testing

Using current understanding of how genes impact on our health, this test focuses on the particular genes affect various enzymes. If certain enzymes have slowed down, you will see the effects in mood health, detoxification ability, hormonal health, reproductive health, energy production, and use of nutrients from your diet. The results give you a comprehensive yet workable understanding of what your body does well, and what it needs better support in. This test will need an appointment to review results and devise a treatment plan, which is an additional cost. 

Cost: up to $299

Blood Tests

As much as possible, I favour getting your friendly GP on board with these. It helps if they can also see if something is not going right, and they can add their own perspective and support on this, or provide you with further testing options. It also opens up the line of communication between us, so that you have more of a team based approach to your health. As a bonus, often they will be able to offer the test under Medicare too. I can order a wide range of blood tests, but you will go in as a private patient and will need to pay costs.